Main Line Chamber’s New Chairman of the Board, Our Very Own Kevin Nolan of Nolan Painting

I am about to become Chairman of the Main Line Chamber of Commerce. This is a big moment in my life. I started Nolan Painting while studying undergrad at Villanova University.
I am about to become Chairman of the Main Line Chamber of Commerce. This is a big moment in my life. I started Nolan Painting while studying undergrad at Villanova University. I am originally from Long Island, NY and when I first came to the Main Line I worked at Wawa for a few weeks. One day I met someone and he asked me if I wanted to do some handy work and painting at his house in Berwyn, PA. I finished the work and his neighbor asked me to paint his house. Within a few weeks I hired a few fellow students and we had a bunch of jobs lined up.
At first I just thought it was just a good way to make a few bucks. When I graduated in 1981 the economy was pretty bad, so I continued painting with my business. By 1990 I stopped painting and became a businessman. I was actually using my liberal arts degree that involved reading, writing and communicating. You know, things you learn in college. Nolan Painting grew as I focused like any good business. And we slowly became skilled in marketing, sales, HR, finance, and customer service. We were serious about doing great work and taking care of our customers. We found business along the Main Line to be excellent. We had started in Malvern, moved to Ardmore and in 2000, bought an office building in Havertown, PA.
Somewhere along the way I joined the Main Line Chamber. I attended events and joined a committee. In 2002 we were nominated by a friend to be the Chamber business of the year. We were runner up that year, but in 2003, we won! At that time Nolan Painting had 50 employees and we were the (large) category Business of the Year.
This was incredibly exciting to us. It validated everything we were doing: Our peers recognized our reputation, mission, promise and vision as being first rate.
No good deed goes unpunished, so when I was asked to serve on the Board, I graciously accepted.
I am usually passionate about the things I am involved in and my Chamber experience is no exception. I have been the Chair of the Main Line Run for the last 6 years and served on the business education committee, The Main Line Chamber Foundation, Board Development, Leadership Main Line, Strategic Planning, CEO Search and other committees. The experience has been wonderful. Great people make up the Chamber and I have made many friends and learned much.
I am very lucky to be Chairman now. The health of the Chamber is excellent. We have an excellent staff and Board. The programs are first rate and we are growing. The Business of the Chamber has become like my own. I will serve two years as Chairman of the Board and fulfill my two terms.
My agenda is pretty simple: don’t screw it up. Seriously, I want to continue in the tradition of excellence that has been the history of the Chamber. I want to use my skills I have learned as a leader and help it grow.
Please consider coming to one of our events like the Make More Save More series or the inspirational Breakfast, Society of Professional Women, Red Carpet Dinner or any of the other first class events. Check out the website
I am proud of Nolan Painting and of The Main Line Chamber. I love living and working here and I want to give back. That’s why I am the new Chairman.