Nolan Painting and Residents of the Main Line Support Alex’s Lemonade Stand

Did you see us this summer at any one of the fun events around the Main Line? Can’t remember where we were? Let me remind you. We were at:
• Ludington Library every Saturday night for their concert series
• The Rose Tree Park concerts on the weekends
• The Paoli Blues Festival
• Haverford Township Days
• Haverford Music Festival
• Main Line Jazz Festival
and many other local events and runs.
If you saw us you may have enjoyed a cold lemonade on a hot day, or a freshly popped bag of popcorn. So many of you did and happened to notice the Alex’s Lemonade Stand jug on our table. Not only did you notice it, you reached into your pockets and made donations to a worthy cause. All of us at Nolan Painting want to thank you for your generous donations.
On Monday, November 12th, Jim Falk, Kevin Nolan and I presented Liz Scott of Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation with a check for $1,574.90. We were able to share how we helped collect money at these summer events in Alex’s name. If you missed us be assured we’ll continue the good work. Hope to see you at another local community event real soon.
— Jon Meyer