Vibrant Colors for Creative Non Profit Space

Our Community Service Work on MLK Day for the Center for Creative Works
Nolan Painting of Havertown, PA (January 2015) — Nolan Painting is a professional painting company that is founded on four key principles, by providing: quality craftsmanship, excellent customer service, teamwork and community service. Kevin Nolan, President and Owner of Nolan Painting, has made giving back to the community part of the company’s culture. Every employee volunteers various times throughout the year at sponsored events like the Race for Open Space in Radnor, the Haverford Twilight 5K Run and the Girls on the Run 5K in West Chester to name a few.
Each year, Nolan Painting sponsors over 100 community events, donates over 1,350 hours of volunteer service, invests over $100,000 towards sponsorships and helps raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for great causes.
This past Monday, January 19, on Martin Luther King Day, Nolan Painting took the opportunity once again to give back to the community that supports them. Harriet Gross, Vocational Counselor at the Center for Creative Works in Wynnewood, PA, reached out to Kevin to see if his company would get involved in a painting project at the Center. Kevin immediately said yes to donating time and labor to the Center for Creative Works, which is a vocational art center that gives people with developmental and intellectual disabilities a chance to learn life skills and sell their artwork. “Its mission is to give people a sense of belonging and purpose,” explains Harriet. “There’s a spirit of volunteerism centered on MLK day and to take advantage of that spirit, I decided to donate our services to this wonderful organization and to help generate creativity for these budding artists,” says Kevin.
Nolan Painting agreed to prep, patch and paint the 1,200 square feet cafeteria as well as help guide 20 volunteers from the community who offered their time to paint the Center’s lunch room. Nolan Painting donated four days of work (a value of $5,000) and asked Sherwin Williams to donate all the paint, worth over $700. The Center chose neutral colors like different shades of gray as well as bright colors like red, blue and green for the space.
“Nolan Painting helped our Center by beautifying what was once a dull boring space to be a vibrant wonderful space for our participants to eat and relax during their work day,” notes Harriet. “I can’t say enough good things about Kevin Nolan. He’s one of the most community-minded people she knows,” exclaims Harriet. She continues to comment that Kevin’s generosity never ceases to amaze her. “This truly was a community effort and none of it would have been possible without his support. Nolan’s employees, Jim Falk, Kevin, Jr., and Olti Husi were so professional, organized and easy to work with that it made the volunteers feel welcomed and unafraid to make mistakes,” says Harriet.
Nolan Painting was proud to partner with the Center for Creative Works and loves giving back to the community we serve.
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