House Painting Ideas & Techniques
Get expert tips on house painting ideas & techniques from Nolan Painting Company.
Letting the Light In: Painting to Create Brightness in Your Home in the Greater Philadelphia Area
Many homeowners in the greater Philadelphia and Southeastern Pennsylvania area face challenges creating bright and inviting living spaces…
Palettes Inspired by Pennsylvania Seasons
As one of the most picturesque locations in the entire country, Southeastern Pennsylvania provides inspiration for a wealth…
Color Schemes in the Main Line: from Room to Room and Floor to Floor
When you’re planning a big redecoration project, it’s important to consider how all of your rooms will look…
Making Rooms Appear Large or Intimate Using Color and Texture
When you’re starting a new painting project and beginning to choose colors for your home, you might want…
A Space of Their Own: Memorable Painting Ideas for Boys’ Bedrooms in Philadelphia County
Kids’ rooms are some of those great places in your house where you can let loose with some…
Here’s Why The Festool Dustless Sanders Come Standard in Our Paint Crew Vans
By Steve Nafranowicz, Chief Financial Officer for Nolan Painting For 23 years I have worked my way through…